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Voice Recognition

Grant Recipients

Giving grants to nonprofit agencies is a tangible way our organization can further its mission of helping the least of our brothers and sisters. As we go forward on this path, we are fine tuning our interpretation of the 25th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew to help define our grantmaking.

We support agencies that:

    Provide shelter to the unhoused
    Work to prevent food insecurity and hunger
    Ensure that everyone has access to clean water
    Support refugees and immigrants
    Offer physical, mental health and addiction recovery programs
    Help the formerly incarcerated re-integrate into society

We have succeeded in funding many of these areas, but have been diligently seeking opportunities that help us extend our reach. We will continue our work guided by these areas of need.

Learn More About Our 2024 Grant Partners:

A Place 4 Me

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A Place 4 Me coordinates the planning and implementation of local efforts to improve outcomes for transition-age youth. They prevent homelessness by quickly identifying youth at risk of experiencing homelessness and connect them to resources, provide an array of stable housing options by leveraging federal, state, and local resources, and coordinate supportive services to help young people maintain stable housing, including employment assistance, mentoring, financial capability, and a flexible pool of emergency assistance resources.

Avon - Avon Lake Community Resource Services

Community Resource Services Logo
Community Resource Services is a responsive, community-based organization whose mission is to diminish the effects of poverty in Avon and Avon Lake. They provide basic needs assistance and individualized resource and referral services compassionately and confidentially.

Bay Presbyterian - Bridge CLE Resiliency Ministry

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Bridge CLE Resiliency Ministry brings trauma counseling services to residents of the Clark-Fulton area.

Beck Center for the Arts

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Beck Center for the Arts is a non-profit, performing arts and arts education organization dedicated to inspiring and enriching Northeastern Ohioans' quality of life. They combine professional theatrical productions with comprehensive curriculum-based arts education in Creative Arts Therapies, dance, music, theater, and visual arts, serving over 60,000 annually in Cuyahoga, Lorain, Lake, Medina, and Summit Counties.

Blessing House

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Blessing House is a children’s crisis care center, caring for children birth through 12, whose parents or caregivers are facing a crisis or emergency or who are experiencing a high level of stress that might put their children at risk of abuse or neglect.

Blossom Hill

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Blossom Hill’s mission is to provide loving homes and personalized care to adults with developmental disabilities who are incapable of living unassisted.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Ohio

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Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Ohio builds and presents programs, relationships, and experiences for our youth to drive real, positive growth and change in their lives and communities.

Building Hope in the City

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Building Hope in the City is transforming the neighborhoods of Clark-Fulton and Stockyards, and Cleveland's refugee and immigrant communities through hope, opportunity, and faith.

Camp Imagine

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Camp Imagine is a six-week summer program for children with special needs. Daily academic instruction is based on target goals and objectives derived from a child's current IEP. Camp Imagine incorporates daily living activities, crafts, games, community service projects, hikes, and swimming into the camp experience.

Canopy Child Advocacy Center

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Canopy Child Advocacy Center's mission is to serve children and families affected by child abuse through a multi-disciplinary partnership focused on safety, healing, and well-being. Their team includes several agencies that work in close collaboration to ensure a timely and appropriate response to the needs of children and families. Coordinated investigations are conducted through the center to arrange services that provide justice and healing. By arranging the investigation process in one location, this practice reduces trauma by ensuring that the child does not have to repeat their story.

Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation for Brain Health

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The mission of the Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation is to empower, engage, and educate individuals, care partners, and families living with dementia or other brain health issues to live a more fulfilling life through the arts, social interaction, and community outreach.

Catholic Charities Office of Migration & Refugee Services

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As the largest resettlement office in Northern Ohio, Catholic Charities Migration & Refugee Services resettles approximately 230 refugees each year in communities throughout Cuyahoga County. Programs offered include employment services, English language training, health and wellness support, immigration legal services, and the Ohio Center for Survivors of Torture.


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Chair-ity provides furniture and household goods to individuals who graduate from foster care, typically at the age of 18, and begin living on their own.

Christ Church Episcopal, Oberlin

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Christ Church Episcopal in Oberlin serves free, nutritious, freshly-cooked meals Monday through Friday, providing food for approximately 80 people each day.

Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center

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The Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center is the nation's oldest hearing and speech center and Northeast Ohio's only nonprofit organization dedicated solely to serving those with special communication needs. CHSC serves thousands of children and adults each year.

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center

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Cleveland Rape Crisis Center provides intensive crisis intervention for survivors of sexual trauma.

Community of Hope

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Community of Hope builds lasting relationships, nurtures hope, and restores dignity by creating family-like relationships for Ohio's youth. Community of Hope offers youth connections, networks, know how to help youth access better opportunities at success.

Community Housing Solutions

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Community Housing Solutions helps low and moderate income families obtain and maintain safe, decent, and affordable housing. They provide and coordinate services including housing counseling, home weatherization, home repair, and tool loans.

Community Service Alliance

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Community Service Alliance is a a non-profit agency working as a catalyst for change in the lives of homeless individuals in Cleveland, Ohio. By providing transitional housing, career development, and personal, behavioral, and spiritual support, CSA is transforming the lives of the men it serves. 

Connecting for Kids

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Connecting for Kids provides education and support to families with concerns about their child ages birth to 12 in Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties. They serve all families, including children with and without formal diagnoses. Resources are available for many concerns including anxiety, attention issues, autism, developmental delays, epilepsy, and sensory issues. 

Cornerstone of Hope

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Cornerstone of Hope is a nonprofit comprehensive bereavement center serving grieving children, teens, and adults who have experienced the death of a loved one.

Edwins Leadership & Restaurant Institute

EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant Institute offers formerly incarcerated adults a foundation in the culinary and hospitality industry while providing a support network necessary for long-term success. They are equipped with intensive training, hands-on work experience, free housing, legal services, basic medical care, clothing, job coaching, and literacy programs.

El Centro de Servicios Sociales

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El Centro de Servicios Sociales is a Latino nonprofit advocacy organization whose mission is to enhance the socio-economic status of the Greater Lorain County community by providing essential social, educational, cultural, and community development services.

Emerald Development & Economic Network (EDEN)

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EDEN's mission is to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness. EDEN is a nationally recognized housing provider through scattered site properties, permanent supportive housing buildings, and rental voucher programs. 

Empower Sports

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Empower Sports provides sports and exercise programs for children and adults with physical and cognitive disabilities.

Family Promise of Greater Cleveland

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Family Promise of Greater Cleveland provides families facing homelessness with a safe place designed to engage, inspire, and guide them toward a future where they feel empowered to control the course of their lives.

Far West Center

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The Far West Center is a community mental health center serving adults and young adults of western Cuyahoga County and Lorain County. The Far West Center offers assessment, counseling, psychiatric evaluation, medication management, and case management for persons struggling with severe mental health problems. Services are available for low-income individuals who need care but cannot find it, pay for it, or wait for it.

Fund for Our Economic Future

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Fund for Our Economic Future is a network of foundations, higher education, community development, private sector, economic development, and government leaders who come together to learn, lead and develop ideas together to advance an inclusive economy.

Galilean Theological Center

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The Galilean Theological Center provides counselor training that equips currently incarcerated individuals to be state certified chemical dependency counselor assistants.

Gigi's Playhouse

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GiGi's Playhouse offers free therapeutic, educational and research-driven programs to individuals of all ages with Down syndrome.

Good Knights of Lorain County

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 Good Knights of Lorain County provides beds constructed by an all-volunteer crew to low-income families.

Goods Bank NEO

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Goods Bank NEO helps nonprofits, schools, and faith-based organizations provide new goods to the people they serve, or for their own use.


Greater Cleveland Food Bank

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The Greater Cleveland Food Bank is the largest provider of emergency food in Northeast Ohio. It serves Cuyahoga, Ashland, Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake, and Richland counties. The Food Bank provides food and non-food items to more than 1,000 programmatic partner agencies. These programs include pantries, on-site meal providers, shelters, and other nonprofit organizations including children's afterschool and summer programs, senior programs, and rehabilitation programs.

Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity

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Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity brings affordable housing to families by building, rehabilitating, and selling homes to families with an affordable mortgage while connecting them to the community through neighborhood revitalization projects.

Humility of Mary Housing

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Since 1854, the Sisters of the Humility of Mary have provided housing, education, and health care services for children, immigrants, refugees, and the elderly. The Caring Compass program focuses on avoiding a return to homelessness, educational and job training skills necessary to achieve and maintain independence, employment opportunities that lead to enhanced financial well-being, and better physical and mental health.

Hunger Network

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The Hunger Network is the largest and most efficient provider of emergency food in Greater Cleveland. With a network of food pantries and hot meal sites, or “hunger centers,” across Cuyahoga County, they have a strong and proven model for meeting the nutritional needs of Northeast Ohio’s most underserved communities. Programs include emergency food distribution, hot meals, food rescue, and nutrition education. 

Joseph & Mary’s Home

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A ministry of the Sisters of Charity Health System, Joseph & Mary’s Home provides medical respite to medically-fragile adults without housing who are ready to discharge from a hospital but have nowhere to rest and heal. Joseph & Mary's Home provides a nurturing, caring environment with temporary shelter in a secure building, nutritious meals and snacks, nursing, care coordination, and case management services. Their approach results in medical stability, exits to permanent housing, and lasting connections to ongoing primary care and community-based services.

Joshua and Caleb Leadership Center

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JCLC is a nonprofit organization that develops unfathered and at-risk boys and girls into global-minded leaders of God’s design.

Journey Center for Safety and Healing

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Journey Center for Safety and Healing empowers individuals, educates the community, and advocates for justice to end domestic violence and child abuse. They envision a community in which all people enjoy lives free from violence and abuse and feel safe and secure in their relationships.

Lakewood Community Services Center

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Lakewood Community Services Center provides basic needs assistance and personalized resources to empower individuals to move toward greater self-sufficiency. Services include food assistance, housing assistance, youth programs, and senior services.

Legal Aid Society of Cleveland

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The Legal Aid Society's mission is to secure justice, equity, and access to opportunity for and with people who have low incomes through passionate legal representation and advocacy for systemic change. The mission centers on a vision for Northeast Ohio to be a place in which all people experience dignity and justice, free from poverty and oppression.


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LifeAct provides purposeful mental health education guided by the goal of preventing suicide. Trained, credentialed instructors deliver in-school educational programs, Suicide Prevention and Stress Management, to more than 25,000 Ohio youth every year. Adult Programming, established in 2020, certifies adults in the workplace, educators, and professionals with QPR Training (Question, Persuade, Refer), equipping adults with tools to help save a life from suicide.

Lorain County Free Clinic

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With the support of volunteer doctors, nurses, and other caregivers, the Lorain County Free Clinic provides primary health care, preventative care, chronic disease management, medical tests, specialty referrals, prescription assistance, and health education to low-income individuals and families in Lorain County.

Lorain County Genesis House

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The mission of Genesis House is to provide a comprehensive range of family-focused services for Lorain County victims of domestic violence. They strive to provide tools to survivors and loved ones affected by domestic violence to maximize the victim's opportunity to survive and families to heal, obtain physical and mental well-being while helping them to gain independence, and minimize trauma involved in coping with family violence.

Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry

LMM Logo
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry's Men's Shelter at 2100 Lakeside is the largest shelter in Ohio, serving up to 365 men per night with more beds available at partner sites. LMM staff and social service partners provide services to increase resident self-sufficiency and work with individuals to end their homelessness by finding appropriate housing as soon as possible. 

Malachi House

Malachi House Logo
Malachi House maintains a pure mission -- to meet residents' immediate and basic human needs of food, shelter, clothing, and comfort. Loving care is supplemented with pet, music, and art therapists to enhance the quality of life for residents. Care at Malachi House is designed to ensure that an individual's final days are as comfortable as possible, emphasizing dignity and respect.

May Dugan Center

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The May Dugan Center provides comprehensive services and programs to individuals and families throughout the Cleveland area with an array of services including food, clothing, behavioral health counseling, adult education services, job placement, victim services, trauma counseling, and refugee resettlement.

Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition

The Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition is a statewide member organization that unifies diverse local voices to advocate with the goals of increasing awareness of issues impacting people with mental illnesses and addiction disorders and advancing policies that positively impact Ohioan affected by mental illnesses and addiction disorders.

Merrick House

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Merrick House serves Tremont and surrounding areas through inclusive programs and services that utilize the whole child, whole family approach. This includes Moms First, which focuses on reducing infant and maternal mortality and improving birth outcomes through home visits and support services provided by a community health worker.

NAMI Greater Cleveland

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NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is dedicated to empowering those living with mental illness and their family members to achieve a better quality of life by providing education, support, information, and referrals.  

Neighborhood Alliance

Neighborhood Alliance helps communities grow stronger by meeting critical needs and empowering individuals and families. Neighborhood Alliance provides emergency shelter, homeless outreach, daily meal delivery, nutrition services, socialization activities for seniors, childcare, child enrichment programs, and access to family support programs such as Help Me Grow for those in need.

Neighborhood Family Practice

Neighborhood Practice Logo
Neighborhood Family Practice’s mission is to partner with the community for everyone’s health by providing health care services regardless of ability to pay; treating patients with compassion, dignity and respect; protecting confidentiality; and offering culturally sensitive services and community outreach.  

North Ridgeville Community Care

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North Ridgeville Community Care provides basic needs programs such as a food pantry, clothing and household items, utility and housing assistance, summer lunches, school supplies, Easter baskets, Thanksgiving baskets, a Christmas store, and an Adopt-a-Child program to a range of clients including singles, families and seniors. 

NEOCH (Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless)

Since 1988, the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH) has sought to break the cycle of homelessness in Northeast Ohio. NEOCH exists to eliminate the root causes of homelessness while loving our diverse community through organizing, advocacy, education, and street outreach. NEOCH is a non-profit coalition of service providers, housing activists, members, and people experiencing homelessness.  

Nueva Luz Urban Resource Center

Nueva Luz Urban Resource Center is proud to provide people living with HIV/AIDS the resources needed to receive primary medical care, as well as housing, nutrition, recovery, and legal resources. 
Nueva Luz operates centers in both Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties.

Oberlin Community Services Center

Oberlin Community Services Center is a dynamic organization that seeks to nourish the community in a variety of ways, especially in providing assistant to those among us who are most vulnerable. They provide extensive food programs, direct emergency assistance and casework, education outreach and community building projects.  

Oberlin Weekday Community Meals

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Oberlin Weekday Community Meals, a program of Christ Church Episcopal, offers a free hot meal Monday through Friday from 5:00-5:30p.

Pathways Enrichment Center

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Pathways Enrichment Center is dedicated to enriching children, families, and individuals by nurturing their potential through tutoring, mentoring, education, and counseling.

Providence House

Providence House protects at-risk children and supports families through crisis, strengthening communities to end child abuse and neglect.

Reach Success

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Reach Success works within prisons to prepare returning citizens for release and supports them upon reentry for a new life.

Re:Source Cleveland

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Re:Source Cleveland  empowers resettled families to grow roots, supporting them in becoming engaged, self-sufficient and contributing members of their new communities.

Safe Families for Children Alliance

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Safe Families for Children hosts vulnerable children and creates extended family–like supports for families through a community of devoted volunteers who are motivated by compassion to keep children safe and families intact. 

Scranton Road Ministries Community Development Corporation

Scranton Road Ministries Community Development Corporation is a faith-based, vision-driven non-profit organization, focused on representing and investing in Cleveland’s youth and families, and promoting community-based economic development Scranton Road Promotional.

Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio

Second Harvest works in partnership with 112 partner charities to help those at risk for hunger in our community. Some operate soup kitchens or food pantries. Others include shelters and nonprofit organizations that serve meals or distribute food package. Member programs include food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and supplemental programs throughout a four-county region including Crawford, Erie, Huron, and Lorain.

Seeds of Literacy

Seeds of Literacy provides free, personalized education to empower adults to thrive in our community.

Smart Development

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Smart Development works to enhance the social safety net and expansion of opportunities for at-need families to grow roots and lead toward pathways of self-sufficiency and being a trusted-voice for the international community.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Since 1865, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Cleveland has provided person-to-person basic needs emergency assistance to Northeast Ohio's most vulnerable populations – low-income children and adults, the elderly, the sick and the homeless--throughout the Diocese of Cleveland's eight-county service area of Ashland, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Summit, and Wayne counties.  

Solidarity Urban Farms

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Solidarity Urban Farms is a sustainable urban farm network in Lorain, realizing community potentials through mutual growth and relationships of solidarity.

St. Augustine Community Cupboard & Closet

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St. Augustine Ministry to the Poor is an outgrowth of the ministry and service of St. Augustine Church. The parish has a long history of service from its beginning in 1860 when it welcomed an impoverished immigrant community. The Community Cupboard and Closet was established in 2022 in response to the growing need in the community for food and clothing assistance. It is open every Saturday from 11 am - 3 pm on the first floor of the St. Augustine school building.

St. Herman House - FOCUS Cleveland

St. Herman House – FOCUS Cleveland shelters and supports homeless men on the path to well-being and independence and meets the basic needs of people in our community.  

St. Paul’s Community Outreach

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St. Paul's Community Outreach assists and encourages individuals in need by providing safe space to identify and make positive life choices. Their vision is to provide energy, direction, and resources to ensure that all people in our neighborhood can realize their full potential.

Stella Maris

Stella Maris’ mission is to provide quality chemical dependency treatment and mental health services to our community regardless of race, gender, religion, or ability to pay.

The Centers, Cleveland Christian Home

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The Centers, Cleveland Christian Home offers one of the only residential treatment programs in the City of Cleveland with an intensive treatment center for treating children with trauma.

The City Mission - Laura's Home

Laura's Home Women's Crisis Center is a 166-bed shelter that provides specialized, wraparound services designed to empower families and individuals to live healthy lives. Children are supported through Pathways, which provides on-site after-school programming that contributes to their growth and development. 

The Ed Keating Center

The Ed Keating Center provides a chance for sober living to recovering alcoholic and drug-addicted men and women. Sober living services are made available to anyone without regard to their ability to pay for the help they require. 

The Edna House for Women

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The Edna House gives women an opportunity to recover from alcohol and drug addiction by providing a safe, sober place to live. Edna House provides long-term, structured sober living and education to women regardless of their ability to pay.

The Lantern Center for Recovery

The Lantern Center for Recovery provides quality sober living to the chemically dependent person and educates and assists people with recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. The Lantern offers a 12-step based residential recovery program at no charge to residents.

The Littlest Heroes

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The Littlest Heroes provides emergency financial support for families battling pediatric cancer and other childhood illness.

The New Community

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The New Community leads social interventions to address trauma through courses that practice critical thinking, structuring, strengthening, tolerance, courage, mindfulness, and community in prisons, shelters, hospitals, and places where people are challenged and welcome support.

The Road to Hope

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The Salvation Army Zelma George Emergency Family Shelter

The Salvation Army Zelma George Emergency Family Shelter provides emergency shelter for homeless women with children but also accepts intact families, married couples, and men with children. The facility offers residents case management, counseling, clothing, food, and referrals to transitional housing and other programs. 

The Turn

The Turn inspires hope and enhances the health and well-being of people living with physical disabilities in Northeast Ohio.

Transformations by Cleveland Angels

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Transformations by Cleveland Angels walks alongside children, youth, and families in the foster care community by offering consistent support through intentional giving, relationship building, and mentorship.

Trials for Hope

Trials for Hope distributes food and basic needs with dignity to individuals struggling due to food or financial insecurity.

True Freedom Ministries

True Freedom Ministries is dedicated to reaching those in prison, the homeless, and those trapped in addiction.

Urban Community

Urban Community School strives to break social and economic barriers to success for Cleveland's near west side children by providing an individualized, innovative, and challenging education. Community West Foundation funds an in-home social worker for their students.

Ursuline Piazza

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Ursuline Piazza addresses gaps for people living with HIV, targeting those who are low-income and struggling with substance abuse and/or mental illness.  Their mission is educating and supporting HIV positive people to live better, healthier lives.  

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

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The mission of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants is to protect the rights and address the needs of persons in forced or voluntary migration worldwide and support their transition to a dignified life.

Village Project

The mission of Village Project is to come together as a community of all ages to provide nourishing meals and extended care and service to our neighbors experiencing cancer.

We Care We Share Ministries, My House

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We Care We Share Ministries, My House provides transitional housing for young adults who have aged out of the foster care system.

West Shore Meals on Wheels

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West Shore Meals On Wheels is a community-based nonprofit organization that prepares and delivers nutritious meals to residents of Fairview Park, Lakewood, and Rocky River, Ohio.

West Side Catholic Center

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Grounded in faith, hope, love and respect for those they serve, the West Side Catholic Center assists all who come in need of feed, clothing, shelter, advocacy, and a path to self-sufficiency.  

West Side Community House

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West Side Community House was founded in 1890 as the Methodist Deaconess Home of Cleveland. Since 1964, the West Side Community House has worked to meet the needs of community residents by providing an array of model programs and services for children, families and older adults. Services are open to all social, racial, ethnic and income groups but are targeted to those who are most vulnerable and at-risk.

Westlake United Methodist Church

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Westlake United Methodist Church Westside Food Ministries distributes food in the Cleveland area through a community meal drive thru, food delivery service, and food pantries.

Youth Bee Works

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Spreading the wonder of honey bees.  Youth Bee Works seeks to educate, train and bring awareness to people of all ages, especially youth, on the importance of honey bees and how they are essential to our environment and food industry.

Youth Challenge

Youth Challenge brings together young people with physical disabilities and teen volunteers who inspire each other through adapted sports, recreation, and social growth activities.

YWCA of Greater Cleveland - Norma Herr Center

YWCA Greater Cleveland Norma Herr Women’s Center is Cleveland’s only low-barrier emergency shelter for women ages 18-80. The emergency shelter serves an average of 170 women each night. 

YWCA Greater Cleveland is committed to advancing social and economic mobility. YWCA staff work with women at Norma Herr to navigate the systemic barriers to exiting homelessness such as racism, sexism, and ableism. YWCA also advocates for the systemic change needed to end these inequities and ensure that everyone in our community has access to safe and affordable housing.

Zelie's Home

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Zelie's Home is a community that empowers pregnant and parenting women to take positive and effective action on behalf of themselves and their children by providing physical, emotional, spiritual, and professional support. Zelie's Home has two locations, one in Garfield Heights and a new facility in Lakewood.
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